We’ve now had a new-yet-former President for the past 10 days and I’m still not quite ready to talk about politics. But that’s sure to change at some point.
How do I know this? Well…
Politics - especially on the liberal-leaning side - has been in my blood my whole life. As a young kid, a much older Lebanese relative seemed to take delight with some of my recently-discovered historical acumen, to the point of actually gifting me a John Kennedy half-dollar coin that hopefully is still lying around somewhere.
Most of you already know my Bernie Sanders story from the “These Stories Are True” collection. It’s certainly worth reading should the rest of you be curious at all.
And now, just a couple of days ago, I came across something that had escaped my memory for quite some time: an issue of Time Magazine that I’d kept for well over 30 years!
Back in 1992, Bill Clinton would eventually secure the democratic nomination and win the presidency. But in March of that year, the race seemed to be a two-way contest between himself and Paul Tsongas, the Congressman from Massachusetts. Their faces both graced the March, 1992 Time Magazine cover.

But neither candidate represented the most liberal guy on the scene. No, that would have been the former California Governor Jerry Brown. He wasn’t gaining much traction, though; the article on him was buried somewhere deep into the issue.

“Why Does Jerry Keep Running?” the headline queried. And the photo had his back to the camera as he waved to a passionate crowd of supporters in Boston, Ma.
Well, I lived in Boston in 1992. And there is a reason I kept this copy of Time Magazine all these years - I was in that crowd! And yes - one would have to look closely, but there I was, my face only partially obscured by the woman with a raised fist…

So I’ve had my disappointments over the years. And some successes as well.
Maybe someday I’ll hand a commemorative coin of Barrack Obama to some appreciative younger relative!
We move on. And parts of ourselves - hopefully the good parts! - continue to stay the same.
Here’s to an unexpectedly great 2025. Life is crazy and one never truly knows where the camera is pointing or what is going to happen next!