I’ll admit without reservation that I was prepared to vote once again for Joe Biden in this upcoming Presidential Election. And yes, I saw that woeful debate performance three weeks ago and followed the many attempts subsequently made to right the ship. Democrats are quite adept at falling into panic mode, a point I’ve made several times before, but this honest, decent and hard-working elderly man remains leagues above the choice being now offered - once again - on the other side.
When his decision to withdraw from the race was announced one week ago Sunday, there was only a mild sense of shock. And then the sudden rush of optimism, hope and - dare I say it - destiny emanating from so many disparate corners of the world seemed impossible to miss. There is a kind of beautiful symmetry that would have a man who was a vital part of our first African-American Presidency, who appointed our first African-American female Supreme Court Justice, now be graciously stepping back to endorse his own historic choice of a female Vice-President of African-American and Asian descent to hopefully become our next President. There is a palpable sense of progress being made, right in front of our eyes. And of course it helps that Kamala Harris shares the progressive Democratic views that I believe are so crucial to the future of a better and more united United States of America. This is indeed an amazing point in time.
But for now, let’s talk about Joe Biden.
I’ll start by sharing a story…
In Martha's Vineyard I sometimes work private parties attended by, for lack of a better word, the elites among us. And years ago, Vernon Jordon, the political bigwig and close friend of Bill Clinton’s, was asked over an intimate dinner who he believed the Democrats should nominate to go against the current one-term, orange-skinned President (and OK, I’ll admit - that second adjective probably emanated from my own head). I listened for his answer while understanding that this group of primarily white people were probably expecting this black man to respond with the names “Cory Booker” and “Kamala Harris”. But no; this hugely influential political observer shocked everyone in the room by saying, “To me, the answer begins and ends with one person: Joe Biden.”
Until that moment, I hadn’t believed this old-timer had a shot.
But both Joe Biden and Vernon Jordon were aware of simple truths: the Democrats (and the world!) needed someone to win Pennsylvania and Michigan, and perhaps even Georgia and Wisconsin. Maybe no one else could have done so in 2020. And we were then rewarded with a functional and productive government to replace the cartoonishly-freaky one endured for the previous four years.
And now we can celebrate the life and accomplishments of Joe Biden while remaining bullish on the future of the Democratic Party. Once again, he’s found a way to unite so many of us.
Should Kamala Harris become our next President - as I believe she will! - Joe’s legacy will only shine brighter as the years and decades go by. This man will be known as the President who saved Democracy, both by the decision to run four years ago and then the courageous decision to now withdraw. The world will owe a huge debt of gratitude to one Joe Biden.
We have 100 days to go before this election. Some of my friends think I’m being overly optimistic but believe me, I’m aware how nothing is assured in today’s world. But great and positive political news from both France and Great Britain have delighted many of the worried adults around us. I believe the people in Israel will soon find a way to have a new leader of their own. And I'm confident this country will also choose to vote in the most sensible and responsible way.
Joe Biden has demonstrated how decency and honor are traits that still exist; we owe him the respect of recognizing and voting for the path he has already laid out.
We also owe him our thanks for a job well done and an eloquent and graceful exit.
And we all need to be aware that history is being made right now.
